Bangalore: The Women Empowerment Desk under SARD, Dept of Finance, CTA organised a two-day orientation workshop on Gender and Sexual harassment at the workplace at the Dalai Lama Institute of Higher Education (DLIHE) on 30-31 January 2020.
The objective of the workshop is to sensitize about the concept of gender, gender-related issues, and sexual harassment at the workplace.
In an effort to build a safer work environment and a violence-free Tibetan community, WED is working towards establishing an ‘Internal Committee’ (IC) at the workplace which will help create a safe workspace.
As mandated under the Sexual Harassment against Women at workplace act, 2013 every workplace with more than ten employees needs to set up an Internal committee so as to prevent, prohibit and redress the issue of sexual harassment at the workplace. Given that WED is working with the DLIHE in setting up an IC to create a more conducive work environment.
The workshop paved way for such a committee to be formed and for all the faculty members to become aware of such a law, to understand even about the sexual harassment and related concepts. In the coming months WED will continue with the training for the IC Members of the DLIHE about their roles and responsibility.
The workshop was facilitated by Ms Nandita Bhatt and Ms Surbhi from Martha Farrell Foundation based in New Delhi. It was attended by all the faculty members of the institutions.
The workshop is supported by USAID under the Tibetan self-reliance and resilience program.