10 day capacity building program on “Public Administration: Leadership and Management” was organised by the Public Service Commission from 17 to 26 June 2019 for CTA senior level officer, including Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary and Section Officer at Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA). There were 21 Participants from different departments with 3 females and 18 males.
Topics such as Leading Organizational Transformation, Change Management, Leadership, Constitution of India: Governance & Social Justice, Decision Making Style, Administrative: Ethics and Values, Information Privacy and Protection, Conflict Management and Negotiation Style were covered during the program. The session also includes group activities related to themes throughout the session in order to keep the content intact and more understandable.
The closing ceremony of the programme was presided by the Director of IIPA Shri S.N. Tripathi, Programme Director Dr. Surabhi Pandey, PSC Secretary Ms.Tsering Yangkey and Programme Assistant Mr. Naveen Chand.
The Director addressed the participants on how an individual can make difference and impact in building an institution or an organisation and a country at large. Furthermore lauded the CTA batch on being participative, driven, inspiring, intellectual in terms of ethics & morals. PSC secretary Tsering Yangkey concluded the training and expressed her gratitude to all the IIPA faculties and also appreciated the participants for making this training a productive and fruitful one.
The training is being funded by USAID.