Bylakuppe, Karnataka: The 5-day School Leadership Workshop for school principals and head-teachers organised by the Department of Education, CTA Dharamsala began on 14 January 2020 at Yiga Choeling Center, Bylakuppe. The workshop has 22 principals and head-teachers from the schools in south India with 15 participants from 15 STSS schools, 4 from TCV Bylakuppe, 2 from Sera Mey Thoesam School and 1 from Sera Je Secondary School.
The opening program was graced by the presence of Geshe Tashi Tsering, Abbot of Sera Mey Monastic University, Bylakuppe. Mr. Tenzin Dorjee, Head of Academic Section, DOE welcomed all the participants and gave background information about the workshop and its importance. The trainers, Ms Manvi Arora and Mr Baidurya Bhusan Sen from Delhi gave a brief overview of the workshop.
The workshop aims to strengthen the school leaders by equipping them with pedagogical and management skills. The first 3-day covered topics on school vision, school improvement plan, supporting teachers through lesson planning and observation, and action research for teachers. On the fourth day, 17 January, the participants will visit STS CVP Bylakuppe to observe classroom teaching to get hands-on experience of lesson observation and providing constructive and effective feedback to teachers. To follow-up with the training of school leaders, DOE, with the help of trainers, will monitor and support the school leaders in planning and implementing school improvement plans by the school leaders in their respective schools.
The sessions on the final day, 18 January, will be initiated by Mr Kalsang Wangdu, Field Representative of Agriteam and Mr Tenzin Dorjee, Head of Academic Section, DOE. The participants will be introduced with school leaders’ Professional Learning Community (PLC) and planning of its annual activities.
The school leadership workshop is a part of the ‘School Leadership Strengthening Program’ funded by Global Affairs Canada. Besides training of school leaders, the DOE will draft policy guidelines to select, recruit, nurture and evaluate school leaders. The policy document will be finalised in the 8th Annual Education Council and Advisory Committee Meeting to be held in March 2020.
–Filed by the Department of Education, CTA