Dharamshala : Gang-Jong Development Finance Private Limited, a RBI licensed Non-Banking Finance Company (Non-Deposit Taking) announced the launch of their new website – www.gangjongdevelopmentfinance.com offering the public a platform to get information about the company, its objectives, the management, the services it provides including information on the loan products & procedures.
Gang-jong website provides the details of all the loan products and allows clients the ability to ask questions and download the application forms.
Gang-jong Development Finance Pvt. Ltd., is a Non-Banking Finance Company set up at the initiative of the CTA, aims to mitigate the problem of financial exclusion for the Tibetan businesses and enterprises spread across different parts of India, help them to improve their businesses, leading to increase in employment, diversification of the economic base, and promote economic self-sufficiency of Tibetans in Exile in all parts of India.