Dharamshala: The Department of Health is organizing a virtual youth discussion series on various topics related to emotional hygiene in the next two months starting this series with the topic, “Managing Stress and Anxiety during COVID-19”, this Saturday, May 1st at 07:00 PM.
1. Youth Discussion Series- RSVP
The Department of Health, CTA, with support from PRM and in collaboration with Tibetan Mental Health is organizing a virtual series of discussions on various topics related to mental health and wellbeing. The topics were decided based on the feedback received from 82 Tibetan college-going students and youth who filled the needed assessment survey. These will be held in May and June 2021. Those interested can register and the meeting link will be mailed individually.
Managing Stress and Anxiety During Covid-19
Emotional Intelligence: How to Identify, Describe, and Manage Difficult Emotions
Depression and Bipolar Disorder: Stigma and Cultural Beliefs
Understanding Childhood and Intergenerational Trauma, and Resilience
Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships: How to Communicate Effectively and Understanding Each Others’ Needs
Incorporating Meditation and Mindfulness Into Each Day
Contact [email protected] or semtrin Instagram page for any queries.
RSVP link: https://forms.gle/hd2tVn8HikGzTPxF9
-Filed by the Department of Health