Three days HIV/AIDS awareness program has been organized by the Department of Health to the Tibetan students and youths who are currently studying in Bangalore. The training was organized at the Institute for Small Trade Learning (ISTL) Neelamangala, Tibetan Youth Hostel Koramangala and the Dalai Lama Institute for higher education from 2nd to 4th July 2018.
The primary objective of the awareness campaign is to educate and aware Tibetan youth who are more open and vulnerable to HIV infections. This is caused by unsafe sex and sharing of syringes for drug injections.
The campaign also included HIV/AIDS talk via PP presentation by Dr. Rinzin Choedon from Tsojhe Hospital at all three venues. Similarly, skit play by St. John nursing students, basketball match among girls at Tibetan Youth hostel and individual/ group discussions on the topic.
Department of Health next will conduct a similar program at the Tibetan Youth Hostel, Delhi in coming months.
The awareness program is funded by USAID