Dharamshala: The Department of Education, CTA held a review meeting to discuss the School Guidance & Counseling framework on January 30, 2020, at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala.
Mrs. Donkar Wangmo, Head, Guidance & Counseling Section of DoE briefly informed the rationale behind the formulation of this Guideline and explained that the meeting aims to provide a platform for the stakeholders to collect their opinion as it is a collective responsibility and their ownership of this document is equally important.
Secretary Karma Singey in his opening speech briefed the participants on how the DoE is transitioning from the old role of merely focusing on welfare and educational support to a more professional and standardization of school systems by making schools ICT oriented including addressing professional development of the teachers through Teacher Professional Development program, integrating teaching of values in Modern Education to impart Social-Emotional Ethics (SEE) Learning and finally on developing a common minimum Guidance & Counseling Guideline for all schools providing holistic education to the children.
This was possible because of the report collected through the Department’s Organizational Development Assessment (ODA).
“We are at a very critical stage where the number of students in schools is decreasing year by year. Owing to it, consolidation of schools have begun in different school autonomous bodies viz Sambhota Tibetan School Society, Tibetan Homes Foundation & Tibetan Children Village. And the Department is working at other measures to combat this inevitable challenge” he added.
The Guidance & Counseling framework document was prepared by Dr. Jitendra Nagpal, Psychiatrist, Head of Department of Psychiatry, Moolchand Hospital cum Director of Expressions India (Non-Government Organization) an impaneled agency of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) related to counseling program & Mrs. Rekha Chauhan, Sr. Psychologist Consultant. Mrs. Rekha Chauhan led the meeting by presenting the Guideline and explaining the process of data collection, analysis and preparation of the document. After that, the discussion on the document ensued and the participants gave their feedback and also questioned where there was doubt and need more explanation.
The meeting was attended by Director (STSS), Education Director (TCV), DOE South Zone Resident Counselor, one Principal & 3 Headmasters of TCV, one Principal of STS, one Headmaster of THF, DOE Inclusive Education Officer, Counseling intern, and DOE Counseling staff.
-Filed by the Department of Education