11- Day Umaylam Awareness Outreach Programme in Dehradun Wraps Up


Dehradun, September 8, 2023 – The Department of Information and International Relations(DIIR) concluded the 11-day Umaylam Awareness Outreach Programme in Dehradun.

After a three-day Umaylam awareness workshop at Tibetan Homes Foundation Mussoorie from 28th-30th August to the class XI students, DIIR conducted a two-day workshop for the class XI students of T.C.V Selakui from 31st August – 1st September. This awareness programme was primarily aimed to provide deeper knowledge and a better understanding on Middle Way Policy as well as to strengthen political awareness.

From 3 September – 8th September the DIIR organised a week-long talk on the Middle Way Policy to schools, settlements and institutions. On the morning of 3 September, Additional Secretary Tenzin Lekshay of the DIIR cum CTA spokesperson delivered a talk at Tsering Dhonden Settlement on Middle Way Policy. In the afternoon of the same day, he addressed Dekyiling and Gepheling settlement at Potala hall attended by around 150 people. On the following day, Additional Secretary Tenzin Lekshay addressed the students and staff of Tibetan Homes Foundation Mussoorie, and Sambhota Tibetan School which was attended by a total of 650 students and staff.

On the morning of 5 September, Additional Secretary Tenzin Lekshay delivered a talk at Tibetan Women’s Centre, Rajpur. The following morning, he addressed the monks of Kagyu College and students and staff of Industrial Training Institute, ITI and TCV Selakui. On 7 September, Additional Secretary Tenzin Lekshay talked to the students of Tibetan Nehru Memorial Fundation School and the general public of Dhondupling settlement and later he talked to the monks of Ngagyur Nyingma College. On 8 September, Tenzin Lekshay talked to the people of Lingtsang settlement, Muduwala in the morning, he concluded his speaking tour with a talk to the monks of Sakya College in the afternoon.

During the address, Additional Secretary Tenzin Lekshay, spoke to the audience on the Middle Way Policy: nature, evolution, need to adopt MWA and a democratic process of adopting the policy. He also talked about the current situation inside Tibet and changes in the international political scenario in general and China in particular. He also discussed the Sino-Tibet Conflict as well as the Indo-China border conflict. He stressed to the audience the importance of having political awareness so that we all contribute more and better for the Tibet cause. Additional Secretary Tenzin Lekshay answered all the questions raised by the audience to clear their doubts during his tour and urged them to read books on Middle Way Policy to have a deeper understanding about the policy.

Reported by Tibet Advocacy Section, DIIR