Dharamshala: Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development (TED) initiative of Department of Finance, Central Tibetan Administration invites application from aspiring Tibetan entrepreneurs to avail the pre- incubation business training and incubation services.
Pre-incubation training is especially designed for the ideation and recently startup entrepreneurs. They will be provided Business Development support which includes business idea validation, marketing, product development, business plan development, knowledge enhancement and building networks. The training will be held in Dharamsala.
There will be 5 seats and the entrepreneurs are requested to apply on or before the 15th May 2019. The selection will be done on the basis of their application and feasibility of their business idea. The application will be assessed by both internal and external selection committee. The eligibility criteria includes an updated green book and class 12 pass certificate.
Marketing collaterals have been sent to all the Tibetan Settlements in India and any additional information required can be availed from the Local Settlement office.
The application forms are available at the local Tibetan Settlement Offices and also can be found on our undermentioned website.
TED Contact Details:
Tenzin Topchen: 7018-191-412
Tenzin Norsang: 981-676-8569
[email protected]
For more information, please visit: