The Department of Education has organized a training on Assessment and Individual Educational Plan (IEP) at Ngoenga School to enrich the knowledge of special education, assessment skills, and preparing IEP and documentation.
The training was participated by 12 caretakers and 12 teachers of Ngoenga School including special educators of TCV Chauntra. The resource persons for the workshop were chaired by key resource person Mr. Suraj Singh, Assistant Professor of SARS along with DoE special educator Ms. Tenzin Paldon.
For the first time, teachers were introduced about different assessment tools including Functional assessment checklist for programming (FACP) and detailed IEP preparation and procedures. And also teaching strategies and methodology. The resource person stressed the importance of keeping the progressive report and documentation of each child. And for the capacity building, Individual Family Support Plan (IFSP) was introduced to the caretakers to understand the role of caretakers as a team member in the intervention process.
Chief Guest at the valedictory function was Mr. Norbu, settlement officer of Dekyiling. He stressed the importance of educating children with love and compassion. This was followed by the distribution of certificates to the participants by the Chief Guest.
Token of appreciation was also presented to the resource persons by Mr. Pemba Labrang, Director of Ngoenga School.
Ms. Tenzin Paldon of DOE proposed a word of thanks. The workshop was facilitated and funded by PRM.
-Filed by the Department of Education